E-learning (currently only available in German)
Welcome to the e-learning portal on geotis.de!
Here you will find several learning chapters on the subject of geothermal energy. The content of the chapters is designed for people with scientific, preferably geoscientific prior knowledge.
For self-study it is recommended to go through the chapters in the order given. At the beginning, a short introduction about deep geothermal energy will be taught through different learning modules. Part of the introduction to the topic is the classification of geothermal systems and the potential uses in Germany. This is followed by the basics of deep geothermal energy. These include the properties of the thermal waters and geothermal reservoir properties. At the end, the use of deep geothermal energy in Germany will be presented based on examples. Each chapter is designed differently interactive and includes test tasks to check the newly acquired knowledge.
A large part of the content (texts, illustrations) is based on the brochure 'Deep Geothermal Energy – Principles and Application Possibilities in Germany' (Stober et al. 2016). Therefore the provided content has a focus on the situation in Germany. In so-called high-enthalpy regions (e.g. regions with volcanic activity) there are different conditions and possibilities. We are currently working on contents that allow a worldwide view.
Select a chapter from the following list and learn more about deep geothermal energy. Good luck!
Chapter Overview
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