Origin of data
- 3d subsurface temperatures
- Involved Institutions: LIAG
- Editor: Agemar, T. Agemar, T. (2022) 3D Subsurface Temperature Model of Germany and Upper Austria. Compilation of gridded data (25 MB) and documentation. Agemar, T., Schellschmidt, R. & Schulz, R. (2012): Subsurface Temperature Distribution of Germany. – Geothermics, 44: 65-77.
Potential Geothermal Uses
- Site-suitability Traffic Light Map for Borehole Heat Exchangers
Bundesland Datenerhebung/-bearbeitung Datenaufarbeitung für GeotIS Datenquelle Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development, Building und Housing Stefanak, M.T.2, Ravidà, D.C.G.1 Geoportal Berlin Brandenburg State Office for Mining, Geology and Raw Materials of the State of Brandeburg (LBGR) Stefanak, M.T.2, Ravidà, D.C.G.1 Geoportal LBGR Brandenburg
MetaVer portal BrandenburgBremen Geological Survey of Bremen Ravidà, D.C.G.1, Dussel, M.1 geoportal.bremen.de Hamburg State Office for Geology of the State of Hamburg (BUKEA) Ravidà, D.C.G.1, Dussel, M.1 geoportal-hamburg.de Mecklenburg Western Pomerania State Office for Environment, Nature Conservation, and Geology (LUNG) Ravidà, D.C.G.1, Dussel, M.1 umweltkarten.mv-regierung.de Lower Saxony State Office for Mining, Energy, and Geology of the State of Lower Saxony (LBEG) Ravidà, D.C.G.1, Dussel, M.1 nibis.lbeg.de Rhineland Palatinate State Office for Geology and Mining (LGB-RLP) Ravidà, D.C.G.1, Dussel, M.1 geoportal.rlp.de Saarland State Office for Environmental Protection and Occupational Safety (LUA) Stefanak, M.T.2, Ravidà, D.C.G.1 geoportal.saarland.de Schleswig Holstein State Office for Environment of the State of Schleswig-Holstein (LfU) Ravidà, D.C.G.1, Dussel, M.1 umweltportal.schleswig-holstein.de Thuringia State Office for Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation of the State of Thuringia (TLUBN) Stefanak, M.T.2, Ravidà, D.C.G.1 antares.thueringen.de - Die Erhebung und Bearbeitung der Daten erfolgte durch die geologischen Dienste der Bundesländer.
- Vereinheitlichung der Daten, Erstellung der bundeseinheitlichen Karte und die technische Umsetzung in GeotIS erfolgte durch folgende Institutionen: 1University of Goettingen, 2geoENERGIE-Konzept GmbH, 3LIAG The original open-source resources and data used for the creation of this map are located on the Geoportals of the respective states (see table).
- Areas with potential for geothermal use
- Involved Institutions: LIAG, BGR
Map reference Map A - proven hydrothermal potential
Map A - deleted AreaSchulz et al. (2013)
Mraz, E. (2019)Map B - assumed hydrothermal potential Schulz et al. (2013) Map C - petrothermal potential Schulz et al. (2013) Map D - compilation of the maps A-C Schulz et al. (2013) Areas worthy of examination for CO2-Storage Schulz et al. (2013) Areas worthy of examination for geothermal use Moeck, I. (2018)
Mraz, E. (2019): Reservoir characterization to improve exploration concepts of the Upper Jurassic in the southern Bavarian Molasse Basin – Dissertation, Technische Universität München, Ingenieurfakultät Bau Geo, Umwelt Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurgeologie, 122 S.
Derivation of areas worthy of investigation on the basis of geological systems from the geological map of the Federal Republic of Germany - GK1000 - (personal communication Moeck, 2018) - Download Shape Files
Toloczyki, M.; Trurnit, P.; Voges, A.; Wittekindt, H.; Zitzmann, Arnold (2010): Geologische Karte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1:1.000.000 (GK1000), Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover Suchi, E.; Dittmann, J.; Knopf, S.; Müller, C. & Schulz, R. (2014): Geothermie-Atlas zur Darstellung möglicher Nutzungskonkurrenzen zwischen CO2-Einlagerung (CCS) und Tiefer Geothermie in Deutschland. - ZDGG Band 165 Heft 3, 439-453 Schulz et al. (2013): Geothermieatlas zur Darstellung möglicher Nutzungskonkurrenzen zwischen CCS und Tiefer Geothermie.
Endbericht, LIAG, Hannover, URL: www.geotis.de/homepage/.../Endbericht_Geothermie_Atlas.pdf
- Geothermal sites
- Source information for the production data of the geothermal sites can be found on the detail page of the respective site: Overview of geothermal sites
- Concession areas
- Baden-Wuerttemberg: District Authority Freiburg, State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining (LGRB)
- Bavaria: Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU), branch office Munich
- Lower Saxony: State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology of Lower Saxony (LBEG), Hannover
- Hamburg: State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology of Lower Saxony (LBEG), Hannover
- Schleswig Holstein: State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology of Lower Saxony (LBEG), Hannover
- Wells
- Kohlenwasserstoff-Fachinformationssystem (KW-FIS), LBEG
- Geophysics Information System (FIS GP), LIAG
- Seismics
- Seismik 2D; © Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie, LBEG
- Seismik 2D; © Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, LGRB(Baden-Wuerttemberg)